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# YAML head 작성 예시---title: La Palma Earthquakesauthor:- name: Steve Purves orcid:0000-0002-0760-5497 corresponding: true email: steve@curvenote.com roles:- Investigation- Project administration- Software- Visualization affiliations:- Curvenote- name: Rowan Cockett orcid:0000-0002-7859-8394 corresponding: false roles: [] affiliations:- Curvenotekeywords:- La Palma- Earthquakesabstract:| In September 2021, a significant jump in seismic activity on the island of La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) signaled the start of a volcanic crisis that still continues at the time of writing. Earthquake data is continually collected and published by the Instituto Geográphico Nacional (IGN). ...plain-language-summary:| Earthquake data for the island of La Palma from the September 2021 eruption is found ...key-points:- A web scraping script was developed to pull data from the Instituto Geogràphico Nacional into a machine-readable form for analysis- Earthquake events on La Palma are consistent with the presence of both mantle and crustal reservoirs.date: last-modifiedbibliography: references.bibcitation: container-title: Earth and Space Sciencenumber-sections: true---
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# figure 작성 예시# ```{r}eruptions<-c(1492, 1585, 1646, 1677, 1712, 1949, 1971, 2021)n_eruptions<-length(eruptions)# ```# ```{r}#| label: fig-timeline#| fig-cap: Timeline of recent earthquakes on La Palma#| fig-alt: An event plot of the years of the last 8 eruptions on La Palma.#| fig-height: 1.5#| fig-width: 6par(mar =c(3, 1, 1, 1)+0.1)plot(eruptions, rep(0, n_eruptions), pch ="|", axes =FALSE)axis(1)box()# ```# ```{r}#| output: falseavg_years_between_eruptions<-mean(diff(eruptions[-n_eruptions]))avg_years_between_eruptions#```
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Section 3.2.1 에서와 같이 간단한 그림이 아닌, 연구에서 사용된 데이터를 통해 plot을 그리고 이를 본문에 삽입하기 위해서는 디렉토리에 notebooks 폴더를 생성해야 합니다. 생성한 notebooks 폴더 안에 데이터 파일을 넣고 새로운 .qmd 파일을 만들어 plot을 그리는 r 코드 블록을 작성합니다.
이후 index.qmd 파일로 돌아와 아래와 같은 코드를 작성하면 plot이 삽입됩니다.
# explore-earthquakes.qmd 파일에 작성한 fig-spatial-plot 삽입 예시{{< embed notebooks/explore-earthquakes.qmd#fig-spatial-plot >}}
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2.3. 참고문헌 작성하기
참고문헌은 아래 예시와 같이 references.bib 파일에 BibTeX 형태로 작성합니다. index.qmd 파일의 본문에서 @marrero2019와 같이 @ 기호와 참고문헌의 label을 입력하면 참고문헌을 인용할 수 있습니다.
# 참고문헌 작성 예시@article{marrero2019, author = {Marrero, Jos{\' e} and Garc{\' i}a, Alicia and Berrocoso, Manuel and Llinares, {\' A}ngeles and Rodr{\' i}guez-Losada, Antonio and Ortiz, R.}, journal = {Journal of Applied Volcanology}, year = {2019}, month = {7}, pages = {}, title = {Strategies for the development of volcanic hazard maps in monogenetic volcanic fields: the example of {La} {Palma} ({Canary} {Islands})}, volume = {8}, doi = {10.1186/s13617-019-0085-5},}
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